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When a number of my clients need similar information and we cannot find an existing book that is effective, I fill that need by creating a book with the practical information, real-life examples, and effective, step-by-step exercises which will help you get the results you want.


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It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Disfunction
New Page Books Books, A Division of Career Press • ISBN 1564146499 • To be published February, 2003.

Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction

“This book examines not just the statistics that show that children of divorce can't keep their own marriages together, or that children of alcoholics gravitate to dysfunctional partners, but why people have these problems, how they come to be, and, most importantly, what they can do to fix them.” —Dr. Tessina

“I was raised to sense what someone wanted me to be and be that kind of person. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.” —Sally Field

Many parents have few tools to teach their children and little knowledge of how to provide a good example. As a result, family dysfunction often runs through succeeding generations like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and power as it goes. Growing up, and learning to be responsible for yourself, is like standing at the bottom of that hill and not letting the dysfunction be passed on any further. It Ends With You.

In 25 years of counseling people in recovery, licensed psychotherapist Tina Tessina has worked with many clients struggling with similar problems-anxiety, depression, feeling out of control, relationship disasters, and a pervasive feeling that they don't know what “normal” is. No matter how old they are, they don't feel like they've really grown up. They never learned the confidence, self-motivation, and emotional management tools they need to live healthy, happy lives, because their families didn't provide good role models, structure, and information.

The exercises and guidelines in It Ends With You will help you finally understand what a functional family is, how its members are still affected by early experience, and how to develop the skills necessary for successful living and loving.


How To Be A Couple and Still Be Free
New Page Books, A Division of Career Press •  ISBN 1564145492
(Revised and expanded 3rd Edition) To be published March, 2002

“Being a couple yet free is our next challenge on the evolutionary ladder. This book successfully helps us unravel the myths that block that achievement. It does it with warmth, with readability, and with balance. It recreates everyday problems and paints the path to their solution”—Warren Farrell, Ph.D. Author of “Why Men Are the Way They Are”

For two decades, the established handbook on relationships between equals.

Time tested by:

COMMITTED COUPLES who've decided to hang in and “work it out”
DIVORCED PEOPLE who want to do it better this time.
GAY COUPLES who seek a model for being a couple
YOUNG PEOPLE whose parents showed them how not to be a couple
SINGLE PEOPLE seeking loving intimacy as equals.

“If experiencing love is a problem in your relationship, here are some
suggestions to help love flow freely between you and your mate.”—New
Woman magazine

Introduction: Why Be a Couple and Free?
Chapter One: How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free
Chapter Two: Define and Communicate the Problem
Chapter Three: Agree to Negotiate
Chapter Four: Set the Stage
Chapter Five: State and Explore Wants
Chapter Six: Explore Your Options and Decide


The Real Thirteenth Step: Discovering Confidence, Self-Reliance, and Independence Beyond the 12-Step Programs
New Page Books, August, 2001   •   ISBN: 1564145484

The Real Thirteenth Step is a powerful exercise and information-packed manual to accompany the journey of people in recovery. Readers will learn how to develop the three central skills of true autonomy—risk taking, problem solving, and coping with failure—and how to apply them to every aspect of their lives: relationships, work, decision-making, stress, and the temptations of addiction.

Discover the six steps necessary to create real inner change: techniques so powerful, they‘re called “magical tools.” These tools are taught through exercises proven in therapy and workshops to help clients gain control of their lives and remain free of relapse. With the exercises and guidelines in this book, readers can learn what they need to complete their recovery and achieve self-confidence and autonomy. Dr. Tessina invites you to move beyond recovery to a satisfying life of joy and healthy relationships.

Part I Recovery —Stepping Up From Addiction
Chapter 1. Autonomy: the Real 13th Step
Chapter 2. Addicted to Recovery
Part II Completing Recovery
Chapter 3. Beyond Recovery: from Dependency to Autonomy
Chapter 4. Deep Recovery: Learning How to Change
Chapter 5. Completing Recovery: Facing the Self
Part III Achieving Autonomy
Chapter 6. Autonomous Thinking: Learning about Choice
Chapter 7. Autonomous Loving: Creating Healthy Relationships
Chapter 8. Autonomous Living: the Promise and the Challenge

Read what people are saying about this book!



The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make After Forty
Renaissance, March 2001   •   ISBN 1580631819

The longtime psychotherapist and bestselling author of The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make Before 40 now turns her attention to the special challenges and opportunities available to women over forty. In mid-life, many women find themselves in new circumstances. Women with grown children discover more free time or consider returning to school, or a new career. Movers and shakers may want to consider the possibility of setting up their own businesses. Women of all sorts will find themselves thrust into the role of caretakers to their parents and grandparents.This practical and effective book helps them map their options and outline their strategies for taking complete control of their lives.

Introduction: Maturity: the Freedom to Decide
Chapter 1: Decide to Re-decide Make Your Life Your Own
Chapter 2: Change Your Life Roles
Chapter 3: Revitalize Your Career, or Try a New One
Chapter 4: Focus on Friendship
Chapter 5: Decide to Stay Healthy
Chapter 6: Secure Your Financial Position
Chapter 7: Never Too Late: Decide to Be the Person You Might Have Been
Chapter 8: Decide to Use What You Know to Have More Fun
Chapter 9: Decide to Create Joy and Meaning in Your Life
Chapter 10: Give Something Back
Appendix: Resources for Further Exploration

Read what people are saying about this book!


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The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again
MacMillan, Spring 1999  •  ISBN 0028624548

If it’s been a long time since you've surveyed the dating scene, the rules have changed. How do you get started? Where do you go to meet new people? What are the unwritten rules? What if you’re a single or divorced parent? And what about.......sex? Here's how to meet, greet and compete in today's dating world, complete with strategies for success and safety. The inside scoop for making dating fun and worthwhile—on the Internet, in everyday life, and specifically tailored to your age, situation and personal preferences.

I  What Brings Your Here?
      1 Dating Again: Exciting—and Terrifying!
      2 The Problems, and How to Overcome Them
II  Developing Your Dating Skills
      3 Preparation
      4 Let’s Get Out There and Have Fun!
      5 Defining the Dating Players
III  Where to Go
      6 Squirrel Hunting
      7 Making the Most of Your Dating Venue
IV  The Dating Process
      8 Getting Connected
      9 Oh My Gosh! It’s a Date!
    10 Becoming Intimate
    11 If It Goes on from Here
    12 Officially Dating
V  Dating’s Dilemmas
    13 And Baby Makes Three
    14 The Potential Downside of Dating
A  Resources
B  Recommended Reading List


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The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make Before 40
HCI, Deerfield Beach, 1998  •  ISBN 1558746145

“One of the best books for women that I have read. It takes desires and dreams and shows you a step-by-step practical way to achieve them. For any woman who wants to do more than talk about changing her life, a road map to her goal.”—Sonya Friedman, PhD, , “Sonya Live” 

This no-nonsense guide  shows women how to create the futures they want for themselves by making some fundamental choices.

Introduction: Why Women? What Decisions?
  1 The Power of a Good Decision: Decide to Make Intelligent Choices
  2 Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back: Decide to Resolve Old Issues
  3 Where Are You Going? Decide to Set Realistic Goals
  4 Who Loves Ya, Baby? Decide to Make the Most of Who You Are
  5 Go for the Goals: Decide to Get the Education and Training You Need
  6 Make the Connection: Decide to Be an Effective Communicator
  7 Be Young in Mind: Decide to Keep Learning
  8 It Takes a Village: Decide to Build Personal and Professional Networks
  9 Never Too Rich: Decide to Create Financial Security
10 Are We Having Fun Yet? Decide to Balance Work and Play
Appendix: Resources for Further Exploration
About the Authors

Published in 12 languages—click here to view several foreign covers



Gay Relationships: How To Find Them, How To Improve Them, How To Make Them Last  
Tarcher, 1989  •  ISBN 0874775663

The first, and still the best, major book on Gay and Lesbian relationships —it takes you step-by-step through your relationship, making it better, making a commitment, and sharing a long life together. Reassuring and supportive.

1 Gay Relationships: What Are They?
2 How (and Where) to Find Relationships
3 From Dating to Commitment
4 Dynamics of Gay Relationships
5 Gay Relationships and Sexuality
6 Living Together
7 Commitment Ceremonies, Marriage, and Legal Issues
8 Coming Out, In-Laws, and Support Systems
9 Happily Ever After
Appendix A: Resources for Support and Legal Advice
Appendix B: Safe-Sex Information
Appendix C: Advice for Dealing with Homophobia


Los Angeles and Long Beach area residents can purchase books my books at:

The Bodhi Tree
8585 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90069
(310) 659-1733


Phone: (562)438-8077   |   email: tina@tinatessina.com

copyright© 2001–2002 Tina Tessina. All rights reserved

Real 13th Step'>The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again'>The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can'>Gay Relationships for Men and Women'>